Promote your programmes

The programme page on the website

A first step is to ensure that the course or programme page on the website is relevant, updated and adapted to the desired target group. Start by browsing the website and form your own opinion. Study texts and images and think about how well they fit in with the desired target group. Also consider what is unique about your educational programme, and what competing educations are available at other institutions of higher education.


  • Environmental monitoring and analysis
  • Target group analysis
  • Segmentation of target groups for clearer message adaptation
  • Focus groups/Surveys
  • Key words for SEO (search engine optimization)

The Communications Office will be happy to help adapt the written and/or visual message.


An attractive way to talk about your education and its future possibilities is to involve students and alumni as ambassadors. Communications Office recommends at least one student and one alumnus as ambassadors, and that these are presented with a short film clip, or a written interview in connection with the educational page. See examples of how ambassadors work here.

When you involve ambassadors, the Communications Office can help produce the content for you.


Creating good relationships with both prospective students and schools is another way to market your education.


Consider whether a webinar would be a good way to promote your programme. A webinar could be about your programme, what you get to learn and what the work opportunities are after graduation. You can also create webinars based on more specific topics, or perhaps how the application to your programme works. The international marketing coordinator can help you set up and market the webinar.

Events for exchange students

ISR-team plan to make an event for exchange students to market what future possibilities they have at the University of Borås. If you have any ideas or wish to participate, contact the international marketing coordinator.

Partnership collaborations

When you are networking or collaborating with stakeholders – take the opportunity to give a presentation about the University of Borås. There is a ready Powerpoint presentation for you to use, contact the international marketing coordinator if you need it.

Choice of channel

The Communications Office has access to several different channels to communicate with prospective students. Below you will find a selection of possible channels to talk about your educational programme.

Keep in mind that parts of the target group may already be students at the University of Borås, e.g., exchange students.

External communication
University website

Internal communication with students
Student Web
Elevator posters
TV screens/SmartSign