
The system makes it easier for the universities to comply with the regulations and requirements of follow-ups from the government and government agencies as well as enables the universities to follow their students. The system is owned by the universities in a consortium, currently consisting of 40 universities and higher education institutions and the National Board of Student Aid (CSN).

System development is common to all universities, but each university owns and is responsible for the content of their own registry. Management and operation of Ladok is handled by the consortium. 

Ladok at the University of Borås

If you have any questions or experience problems regarding Ladok, please contact your education administrator, either directly or via e-mail to, or Always state the programme/course code and the name(s) and personal identity number(s) of the student(s).

Education in Ladok
We offer training and workshops in Ladok for reporting and certifying staff. You will find information, links to educational materials and news on our Swedish web page.
All training and workshops are held in Swedish.

Read more

Log in to Ladok (external link)

About Ladok (only in Swedish, external link) 

User access to Ladok
(Swedish web page but form for user access is available in English)