If you are holding a digital event in Zoom, you can choose between the Zoom Meeting and Zoom Webinar options. Depending on the purpose and content, one may be more beneficial than the other.
Zoom Meeting
All employees have the possibility to create a Zoom Meeting for up to 500 participants (large meeting). In a Zoom Meeting, all participants see and hear each other. It is also possible to create breakout rooms if you want participants to discuss or work in groups.
Zoom Webinar
In a webinar, participants cannot turn on the sound and camera themselves, but can communicate in chat or Q&A. They also cannot see the other participants. Any employee can create a webinar for up to 500 participants. If more participants are desired, a license is required. A webinar can have a maximum of 1,000 participants with the licenses we have today. For more information, please contact campusservice@hb.se.
When is Zoom Webinar preferable?
Is the meeting more of a lecture or a panel discussion to be recorded? Then this option is preferable, both from a security and GDPR perspective. But webinars have other benefits, as well. Under the settings, there is the option "Practice session" which allows you to choose when to open the webinar to participants. The Q&A function allows you to get a clearer picture of which questions have been received and which have been answered. However, Zoom Webinar currently lacks the "breakout rooms" feature.