Opening of post

Post sent to the University of Borås is either addressed to the university or to a specific person. Personally-addressed post refers to post on which a person's name comes first. Post that is addressed to the university is opened by the Registrar's Office. Personally-addressed post is sent unopened to the addressee.

Chapter 5, Section 1 of the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act states that official documents received by the university must be registered without delay. In order to comply with this legislation, it is important that all post is opened promptly. This also applies when any employee is absent due to illness, holiday, work travel, or other leaves of absence. In order to facilitate the duties of the authority regarding the registration of official documents, it is appropriate that each employee give consent to delegate the opening of personally-addressed post to the Registrar's Office.

Employees who do not delegate the opening of personally-addressed post are responsible for ensuring that their post is opened daily and that official documents are forwarded to the Registrar's Office.

You leave authorization for mail opening in Primula (where you indicate whether the registrar is allowed to open your mail or not).

From 2023, the University of Borås hade introduced digital authorizations. This means that all employees must submit a new authorization, even if you have submitted an authorization on paper before.

Information on the Handling of Official Documents and Recommendations Regarding the Processing of Post and E-mail at the University of Borås