
Rules on secrecy for the documents / information handled at the university are mainly found in the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act (2009: 400). The provisions of the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act depend on a number of circumstances such as context, how old a document is, who requests it, and so on. The following are a number of examples of when special consideration should be given to whether a document / information may be covered by the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act:

  • Matters concerning students (eg medical certificate, information about disability, information from study counsellor or counsellor, protected identity, patient records at student health care centre, names and contact information for police students)
  • Matters concerning staff (eg rehabilitation investigations, protected identity)
  • Research that contains information that may be sensitive to companies and / or individuals
  • Procurement / purchasing (eg tenders)
  • The university's security work

Employees at the university are responsible for handling information in accordance with regulations and current rules at the university.

For questions about secrecy, contact the university's legal officer.