After your studies

Continued career

If you are interested in a continued academic career, it is an advantage if during the last year of your doctoral studies you can create contacts with possible future research environments and explore the possibilities for postdoctoral appointments. Supervisors and other senior researchers in your research group often have good networks of contacts, and it is advisable to consult with your supervisor at an early stage about future career opportunities. Funds for postdoctoral appointments can be applied for from several different sources, and it is important to probe these sources in good time in order to be able to put together well-substantiated applications. Unfortunately, the competition is often fierce for postdoctoral appointments.

For advice on project applications and funding, you can contact the Grants and Innovation Office.

You as a doctoral student can also turn to the university's Study and Career Counsellors for advice and guidance regarding your future career if your focus is to seek work outside academia.

Study and Career Counsellors

Security system

Doctoral studentship employment entitles you to unemployment benefits (unemployment insurance fund), but the requirement is then that you have been a member of the unemployment insurance fund for at least six months before the termination your employment. It is therefore strongly recommended that you, as a doctoral student, keep track of this and join in good time.

The unemployment insurance fund for academics, Akademikernas a-kassa

Trygghetsstiftelsen, the Job Security Foundation

When your time as a doctoral student is over and it's time to take the next step, Trygghetsstiftelsen can help you along the way. Via Trygghetsstiftelsen, you who have had a doctoral studentship can get help to inventory and formulate your skills, increase your chances of getting a job interview or anything else that you need to get ahead to get your next employment.


EURAXCESS career beyond academia