Student representation

Doctoral student representatives are invited to be part of the following bodies:

  • The Faculties' Research Councils (Forskarråd)
  • The Research and Education Board (Forskning- och utbildningsnämnden, FoU)
  • The Board for Artistic Research and Education (Nämnden för konstnärlig forskning och utbildning, KFU)
  • The Research Education Committees (Forskarutbildningsutskott, FUU)

All Faculties have a Research Council where research group leaders meet to discuss issues related to research and doctoral education. In the Research Council, you as doctoral students have the right to be represented.

The Research and Education Board (FoU) and the Board for Artistic Research and Education (KFU) have the overall responsibility for promoting research and doctoral education and for ensuring that education at the Bachelor’s, Master’s, and doctoral levels rests on a scientific basis.

The FoU boards’ area of ​​responsibility includes the educational programmes that lead to a general degree, while KFU is responsible for the educational programmes that lead to an artistic (Fine Arts) degree. The FoU board has delegated responsibility to various education committees, where each research subject for which FoU is responsible has its own research education committee (FUU). In both boards and committees, you as a doctoral student have the right to be represented.

The Student Union of Borås appoints all (doctoral) student representatives, so contact them if you are interested in getting involved.

The Student Union of Borås

One of the Student Union's most important tasks is to work with how the educational programmes (at all educational levels) at the university work.

Well-being and student welfare activities are other important areas for the Student Union in order for you to have as good a time as possible as a student. In addition, they arrange discount offers for their members. The Student Union has also set up its own Doctoral Student Committee.

Being a member of the Student Union is voluntary.

Read more about the Student Union at