Activity and funding

At the end of each term, your activity and income must be reported to LADOK before 15 July (spring) and 15 December (autumn), respectively. The actual activity you have had should be reported. You will receive a request from an administrator at your department to submit the information in good time.


Activity in LADOK is calculated as a percentage of full-time. If you devote all your working time to doctoral education during a term, 100% activity must be reported for that term. Those who have 20% departmental duties during a term report 80% activity in the doctoral programme. If you do not know how to calculate your percentage, the Research Officer at your department can help you. Short periods of absence are not taken into account. Every month, full-time activity is 16.67%. The total activity during four years of education is 800%, that is, eight term of 100%.


Each term, you also fill in the type of funding/support you have as a doctoral student. The form used for this purpose describes the code to be entered.