Background images

Download image

Select the image you want to use. Click on the link. When the image opens, right-click on it and select "Save as image." 

Upload an image in Zoom

The images should already be available directly in your Zoom client, but you can also download them yourself. 

Go into the Zoom client on your computer. Click on your name/initials in the upper right corner. Select "Settings." Select "Background & Filters." Click on the box with the plus sign, select "Add image." Upload the image. Once you have uploaded the background image in Zoom, make sure that "Mirror my video" is not checked, as this will reverse the image. If you are not sitting in front of a green screen, make sure to deselect the "Green screen" box or the image will flicker (and note that this will not work if you have an older computer).

Upload an image in Teams

More information on the webpage about Microsoft Teams.

Images to choose from

English version