Translation contracts

What to do

Please contact the Communications Office for support regarding translation.

If the Communications Office cannot provide the translation internally, the following framework agreements apply. The procedures specified in the framework agreements must be followed.

Non-scientific texts

There are two Swedish governmental authorities that have framework agreements in place right now that we can follow when ordering the translation of non-scientific texts: the University of Gothenburg and the Swedish government’s Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency. You can follow either framework agreement. 

The University of Gothenburg’s framework agreement can be found hereAvtalskatalog -> search for "översättningstjänster" (Swedish only).

Information about the Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency’s framework agreement for translation and language services (Swedish only)

Scientific and scholarly texts

When it comes to the translation of scientific and scholarly texts, the Swedish government’s Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency framework must be used.

Information about the Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency’s framework agreement for translation and language services (Swedish only)

Checklist for external translation

When you order a translation, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure a good result.

Checklist for external translation