Checklist for external translation

Provider: Before choosing a provider, read more about translation contracts. That way you will know what framework agreements you must follow.

Quotes: The framework agreements specify how to obtain a quote.

Information that providers must have may include:

The text: A complete text in an editable form such as Word is the best thing to provide. Then providers can easily count the number of words, which will form the basis of the quote.

British English?: At the university we mainly use British English, but other variants may also be chosen to use if appropriate for the target audience.

Other information that may be useful to send to the provider along with the text to be translated may include:

Topic: Is there anything specific about the subject area to indicate to help the translation company to find the right translator?

Target audience: Who is the text aimed at? Who is the reader? What is the purpose?

Type of text: What type of text is it? Press release? Research article? Formal policy document?

Reference materials Is there a website with information about the project mentioned in the news article? Is there a summary in English to read before translating a press release on a specific doctoral thesis? Are there key words that are important to use?

Lexicon: Please refer the provider to relevant glossaries. We recommend that you refer to them to our Swedish-English Lexicon and to the Swedish-English lexicon available for the higher education sector. Ask the Communications Office about our updated "Term Base" relevant to the university, which is very good for the provider to have.

For questions or help, email