Memory techniques

The strongest sense impressions are moved to long-term memory through the short-term memory. Visual impressions "survive" the best but the more different kinds of impressions that are stimulated in learning, the better. Our senses are sight, hearing, feeling, taste and smell.

Here are other things we have learned about memory:

  •     You remember what you see first and last when learning, and things that are repeated.
  •     Deviations are easier to remember
  •     Can you create associations to what you read, you will remember what you learn better.

The more time that goes by since you learned something, the less you remember. This is called the forgetting curve.

How do you fight the forgetting curve based on what you just read?

  •     Short study sessions with regular breaks
  •     Repetition
  •     Try to make associations with things you already have some knowledge about
  •     Visualise--try to create images of what you are reading/learning

Exercise improves memory

According to researcher Anders Hansen, it is good to exercise before and during learning. It is enough to take a walk or run. It's a good idea to mix your cardiovascular training with weight training to stimulate different types of memories. Regular exercise is the best.

Suggestions for some memory techniques

Link method:

You link together keywords that together form a story.


You use the initial letters in what you want to remember and form a new word or story.

Number combinations:

You remake numbers into associations and create a story.


You connect what you want to remember to something that you already know.


You think in pictures that replace the words that you need to remember.

You can read more in books on study techniques about memory techniques if you want to immerse yourself in how memory techniques work.