Elevate 2021

What is Elevate?

The Faculty of Textiles, Engineering and Business has the ambition each year to organise an extraordinary day that will help boost the studies and professional careers of all second-year students and first-year Master’s students to the next level.

This event is a small career fair where you get to hear inspiring lectures. Several companies, organisations, and alumni will be invited to help shape your very future and help you reach your highest potential. The day has an overall focus on your final thesis, your internship, and also what happens after you have finished your Bachelor’s/Master’s degree. Who knows, after this event you may find your future employer!

When: 10 November
Where: Sandgärdet

There are a limited number of seats per lecture so make sure to sign up today to secure your seat at the lectures you don't want to miss! 


  • 09:00-09:40 Celebrity lecture: Tobias Karlsson
  • 09:40-10:00 Break
  • 10:00-10:40 Session 1: Lectures x5
  • 10:40-11:00 Break
  • 11:00-11:40 Session 2: Lectures x5
  • 11:40-12:00 Break
  • 12:00-12:30 Lunch
  • 12:30-13:10 Session 3: Lectures x5
  • 13:10-13:30 Break
  • 13:30-15:00 Workshop with Borås INK

Celebrity lecture

Tobias Karlsson: Life – not always a bed of roses

This will be an inspiring lecture by the dancer and choreographer Tobias Karlsson in which he speaks about his life and shares his experiences about feeling alienated in school, lying to himself and not fitting in, as well as about everyone's equal value. He talks about his difficult experiences with bullying and his homosexuality and how he finally found himself, as well as the freedom and the strength to never give up on anything you love and continue to dare to dream.

Be inspired by how Tobias lives his dream – and how you can live yours!

Workshop: What is a degree project?

Your final thesis, or degree project, is an opportunity for you to test your theoretical knowledge in the context of an actual company while creating a great qualification you can include on your CV. As there is a chance that the company you work with for your degree project may offer you employment after your thesis is written, you should already start thinking about which industries you are interested in working in after your education is complete. Writing a good application requires both time and energy to successfully write it well. Identifying and getting in touch with an exciting company often takes a long time, and Elevate 2021 will give you a boost on this journey!


If you have any questions, please write to Enter-Elevate-Exit@hb.se and I will help you!

Tobias Minin, Project manager