Enter 2021

What is Enter?

Enter is a day packed with valuable information, interesting guest lectures, and a group activity. It is an established event at the university and its main purpose is to give you the opportunity to interact with your new classmates and potential future business partner(s). The focus for the day will be teambuilding and broadening your network of contacts.

When: 1 September 2021
Where: Youtube Live and Zoom, see links and instructions below


  • Youtube Live starts 8:30–9:00
  • Meet the Faculty 9:00–9:25 (Youtube)
  • Break 9:25–9:35
  • Elaine Eksvärd seminar 9:35–10:15 (Youtube)
  • Question time 10:15–11:00
  • Lunch break 11:00–12:00
  • Workshop 12:00–16:00 (Zoom)

Youtube Live

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Do you want to see the chat and interact with the Project Managers? Go to the Youtube stream here.

The stream will mainly be held in Swedish, and the Elaine Eksvärd seminar will be in English. A texted version of the video will be uploaded within a week.


In the afternoon, a workshop will be held for new students at the faculty. The main goal of the workshop is for you as a student to have the opportunity to network and be creative together with other students.

Go to Zoom room number 1 

At high participation, the zoom room may become full. In that case, a second zoom room will be opened, and the link will be published here.

Workshop instructions

Read more about the workshop here 


If you have any questions, please write to Enter-Elevate-Exit@hb.se and the Project Managers Tobias and Sebastian will help you!

For new students

Don’t miss out on the latest news from the University of Borås! Follow these accounts on Instagram:

@hogskolaniboras (posts in Swedish)
@pluggarpahogskolaniboras (posts in Swedish)
@textilhogskolan (posts in Swedish and English)