Master's programme: Library and Information Science, Digital Library and Information Services

Dear student 

We welcome you cordially to our programme and hope that you will enjoy our courses. Digital libraries and information services have become a landmark of the modern society. Many organizations that develop digital resources and services require new competence of meeting users, strategic thinking and managing, designing and promoting them. You will have an opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills of investigating, building, running, evaluating and putting to the effective use different types of digital libraries.  

Read the whole welcome letter (pdf)


Programme information

Start term: Autumn2019 Programme code: BMDD1 Programme cohort code: BMDD119h1 Study pace: Full-time 100% Programme length: Day Location: Borås


The studies take place primarily in a distance mode. You need to participate in several meetings in Borås, Sweden, during your education. These residential periods will take place 9-13 September 2019, one week in February or March 2020, one week in fall 2020 (probably in September), and one day for master's thesis seminar in late May/early June 2021 (or when thesis is accepted for seminar).
Communication between the students and teachers is maintained mainly through the e-learning platform. In order to follow the courses, you are therefore required to have access to a computer on which you are able to install software and have Internet-access at a reasonably high bandwidth. It is not enough with a smartphone, iPad, Chromebook or similar computer-like facilities, although you may use them for some tasks. Your Internet-access needs to have at least 10 Mbps download speed, although lower speeds may be enough for some tasks. Some recordings may require even higher speeds. Some software may need to be bought, although we try to lean on software that do not require fees, as far as that is possible. Note: In order to participate in seminars online you also need a web camera, headphones and microphone connected to your computer.
Language of instruction will be English.


This programme is given at the Faculty of Librarianship, Information, Education and IT (A3).

If you have any questions during your studies, contact the Education Officer via:
Phone: +46 (0)33 435 4013 (telephone hours every weekday from 10:00–12:00).

Do you have any questions about choosing educational programmes or about your future career?
Contact our Study and Career Counsellors

Programme Coordinator: RAPI


Programme syllabus (PDF)

Programme courses

Course syllabi specify the necessary literature for each course. Please note that course syllabi can be revised up until the time for course registration. Always contact the Course Coordinator, or check in Canvas, before you purchase course literature.



Technologies of Digital Libraries 2

  • Kursinformation för Technologies of Digital Libraries 2
  • Application code: B54H0
  • Type: Mandatory
  • Period: 31 August — 1 November

Digital Library Research Methods

  • Kursinformation för Digital Library Research Methods
  • Application code: B30H0
  • Type: Mandatory
  • Period: 31 August — 17 January


Users and Information Activities in Digital Environments

  • Kursinformation för Users and Information Activities in Digital Environments
  • Application code: B22V0
  • Type: Mandatory
  • Period: 20 January — 25 March

E-books: Production, Distribution, and Reading

  • Kursinformation för E-books: Production, Distribution, and Reading
  • Application code: B20V0
  • Type: Mandatory
  • Period: 20 January — 7 June

Interaction Design: Usability and Interaction in Digital Environments

  • Kursinformation för Interaction Design: Usability and Interaction in Digital Environments
  • Application code: B34V0
  • Type: Mandatory
  • Period: 26 March — 7 June


Technologies of Digital Libraries 1

  • Kursinformation för Technologies of Digital Libraries 1
  • Application code: B60H9
  • Type: Mandatory
  • Period: 2 September — 3 November