
Examination rules

As a student, it's important that you are aware of the relevant rules around exams at the University of Borås as well as the rights you have as a student. There are general rules for examinations that are relevant not only for written exams but also oral exams, home exams, lab exercises, etc. Below are some of the specific rules around exams.

You must register in KronoX no later than 10 days before the exam.

  • You must register for the exam no later than 10 days before the exam!
  • If you have not registered, you may not sit for the exam!
  • You must be in the examination hall at least 15 minutes before the exam is to begin!
  • Only physical ID documents are valid. Digital ID documents are not valid as ID documents för the exam.

Tehnical problems in registering for the exam?

Send an email to studentexpeditionen@hb.se or visit Student Reception well in advance of the registration deadline, i.e. 10 days before the day of the exam.

If you need special support during the exam

  • Apply for special educational support for students with students with disabilities with the below contact people.
  • Register via KronoX at least 10 days before each exam.
  • In KronoX you also register your support you want.

Contact persons in case of need for special education support during exams

Coordinator, Students with Disabilities,  riktatstod@hb.se 

Rules for Examinees in the Examination Hall

Examination at another higher education institution/in another country