On the day of the exam

  1. Bring your computer, that you have prepared for the exam in WISEflow, and a power cord.
  2. You should be at place at least 30 minutes before the exam starts.
  3. Bring a valid photo-id or you will not be allowed to sit the exam.
  4. Turn off your mobile phone completely as it otherwise can interfere with the Wi-Fi connection and make it slower.
  5. Put your jacket, bag, mobile phone etc. away as you are not allowed to have anything else on your desk but what is needed to do the exam. If scrap paper is needed it will be provided by the invigilator.
  6. Shut down any open programs on your computer to make sure it uses its fullest capacity.
  7. Make sure your computer is connected to eduroam (Wi-Fi) and not HB-Guest! To connect to eduroam you need to create a special password for this. This you can create on Selfservice. Make sure that you use automatic reconnection for the Wi-Fi. You might also need to choose to "forget" any old connections, such as HB-Guest.
  8. Start a browser. Chrome is to prefer. Enter se.wiseflow.net/hb.
  9. Click on eduGAIN and search for University of Borås then log in with your student-id and password.
  10. Under "Flow Overview" you will find today's exam. Click on it ("black arrow") and scroll down and click on "Start the flow".
  11. Click on "Open Lock Down Browser OEM". This will close down your connection to internet during the exam.
  12. The invigilator will provide you with the password for the exam when the exam starts.
  13. If anything happens during the exam, maybe some problem with your Wi-Fi connection, just put your hand up and the invigilator will help you out.