Before the exam

  1. Register for the exam, in KronoX, no later than 10 days before the exam day. If you are not registered for exam you are not allowed to sit the exam.
  2. You need to prepare your computer for Inspera exam. Click on the link to download the latest version of Safe Exam Browser (SEB)
  3. If you do not have a laptop you can book a computer by sending an email to no later than 7 days before the exam day!
  4. You should use Eduroam as Wifi (not HB-Guest). You need to create a special password for Eduroam. This should be done before the exam!
  5. If you have any questions about how it works to sit an exam in Inspera you are welcome to send an email to or visit the Student Reception at level 3 of the corridor B , Balder.
    For opening hours please visit the Student Reception's website.
  6. At the exam day you need to be in place at least 30 minutes in advance so that we can see to that it all works for you.