Erasmus+ Exchange Studies
Erasmus+ is an EU programme that makes it possible for students within higher education to study as an exchange student at another European University. The studies need to take place at one of our Erasmus+ partner universities.
If you have questions regarding Erasmus+ exchange studies, please contact

Nomination for Erasmus+ Exchange Studies
The faculties at the University of Borås have Erasmus+ agreements for student mobility with several European universities. Your faculty decides whether to nominate you for exchange studies at one of their Erasmus+ partner universities. Contact the International Coordinator for your study area in order to receive more information, or submit a notification of interest for exchange studies (note: only open during limited periods of time). If you are selected to be nominated for exchange studies at a partner university within Erasmus+ you will automatically be sent more information about the programme.
You can find more information about when and where you can go on exchange here.
Participating Countries
The member states of the European Union*, Iceland, Liechtenstein, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia and Turkey can fully take part in the Erasmus+ mobility programme.
*Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain.
In certain cases, students may also be nominated for Erasmus+ studies to universities in the United Kingdom and Switzerland.
Funding - Erasmus+ Grant
As the grants are not unlimited, we can not guarantee an Erasmus+ grant in advance, but it is highly likely that all student participants can receive an Erasmus+ grant.
The Erasmus+ grant is financed by the EU and is a contribution for covering costs related to the mobility period abroad. 70% of the grant will be paid out at the start of the semester and the remaining 30% at the end of the semester. It is possible to receive an Erasmus+ grant at the same time as CSN.
As an Erasmus+ student, you are exempted from paying tuition fees at the host institution. However, if you are fee paying student at the University of Borås you need to pay your regular tuition fee to the University of Borås during your exchange semester.
For the 2024-2025 academic year, the grant amount is between 510-560 euros per month (30 days)
Extra grant for students that travel to the host country in an environmentally friendly way: 50 euros and up to 4 extra financed days for travel. Bus, train or shared car (at least 2 people) count as environmentally friendly modes of transportation.
Extra grant for students with children: 250 euros per month.
Extra grant for students with long-term (at least 6 months) or permanent disability: 250 euros per month.
Support for Students with Disabilities
If you have a disability and want to participate in Erasmus+ studies, it is important that you contact the Coordinators for Targeted Study Support well in advance of the exchange. They may help you investigate what support might be necessary for you during the studies and the stay abroad. Please note that you need a NAIS-decision in order to be eligible for support from the University of Borås.
It is possible to receive a top-up for students with long-term (at least 6 months) or permanent disabilities. The top-up is 250 euros per month. Information on which supporting documents are necessary to send in to receive the top-up will be sent to students nominated to a partner university within Erasmus+. Costs that arise due to the disability are primarily to be covered by the top-up. If the costs exceed the top-up amount, it is possible to apply for additional funding from Erasmus +. Such applications are managed by the International Office in collaboration with the Coordinator for Targeted Student Support and the student.
If you have questions concerning targeted student support you may contact the Coordinators for Targeted Student Support.
For all other questions regarding Erasmus+ traineeship, you may contact the International Office.
- You must be a programme student at the University of Borås.
- Your Erasmus+ exchange studies must be full time and the receiving university must have a valid Erasmus+ agreement with the University of Borås.
- You must live in the host country during the entire physical mobility.
- The host country must be different from the country which you live in during your ordinary studies.
- You must receive full recognition of your exchange studies in accordance with the Learning Agreement.
- You may not receive other funding from the EU during the same study period.
- The physical mobility must last a minimum of 2 months (60 days) and a maximum of 12 months (360 days).
- If you have previously carried out studies and/or a traineeship within Erasmus+ on the same study level, the combined period must not exceed 12 months (360 days). Any Erasmus+ mobility done via another university participating in Erasmus+ at the same level of study is counted towards the 12 months.
Documents Required Upon Participation
All Erasmus+ students need to hand in the following documents.
- Grant Agreement
- Learning Agreement - Before the Mobility
- When eligible for extra grant: supporting documents according to instructions
- Payment Order Form
- Certificate of Attendance
- Transcript of Records
Further information along with the templates for these documents will be sent to students who have been nominated for exchange studies within Erasmus+.
Language Support
Erasmus+ students have the possibility to do language tests and exercises online in the EU’s Online Language Support (OLS). You may do exercises in the language of study or the local language of the host country. More information about the language support is sent to students who have been nominated for exchange studies within Erasmus+.
Green Erasmus+
One of the prioritised areas within Erasmus+ is sustainability. We encourage you to reflect upon how you can make your time abroad as sustainable as possible. Tips and information from the “Green Erasmus project” is found at
Credit Recognition
As an Erasmus+ student, you are entitled to expect full recognition from your home university for satisfactorily completed modules during the exchange semester, in accordance with the Learning Agreement. Your faculty decides which modules you may study abroad and get recognition for after the exchange. Your faculty is responsible for the recognition process; contact the International Coordinator for your study area if you have questions regarding recognition or module choice.
If you do not successfully complete some educational components during your stay abroad, you should when possible take a re-exam at the receiving organisation. Some of the partner universities allow students to take exams from Sweden, but not all. If you cannot take a re-exam, you and your study programme need to find an individual solution for how you will complete the credits. Contact your international coordinator who will guide you.
Participant Report
Erasmus+ students must fill in an online EU survey after the mobility abroad. An invitation to fill in the report will automatically be sent to your e-mail at the end of the exchange semester, and this must be completed within 30 calendar days upon receipt of the invitation.