Erasmus+ traineeships
Do a traineeship abroad and receive a grant with Erasmus+ traineeship!
As a programme student at the University of Borås you have the opportunity to receive a grant for conducting a traineeship up to 12 months by participating in the Erasmus+ programme. The traineeship must be relevant for your education and your future professional life.
If you have questions regarding Erasmus+ traineeship - contact

Three Ways to do an Erasmus+ traineeship
- The traineeship is done with a course that is included in your study programme. It may be a traineeship or field study course. It may also be a thesis course if the traineeship is intended for data collection for the thesis. You receive credits if you pass the course. The traineeship is recognised in the Diploma Supplement (should be stated in the diploma application).
- The traineeship is voluntary, i.e. outside your study programme. The traineeship takes place for example during the summer break between spring and autumn semester. The traineeship must be relevant for your education. The traineeship is recognised in the Diploma Supplement (should be stated in the diploma application).
- The traineeship is taking place after your study programme, ”recent graduate”. You must hand in your application during the last semester of your study programme, while you are still a registered student on a course within the study programme. You should apply for your diploma as soon as possible once the last semester of your study programme has finished. The traineeship must be relevant for your education. The traineeship must be finished at the latest 12 months after the final semester date of the study programme. The traineeship will not be recognised in Diploma Supplement.
Eligible Countries and Traineeship Organisations
The member states of the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia and Turkey can fully take part in the Erasmus+ mobility programme.
Switzerland and the United Kingdom are not eligible countries.
You can not do an Erasmus+ traineeship in the same country as your studies (Sweden).
The traineeship country must be different from the country which you live in during your studies. For example, if you are a distance student living in Germany during your studies you may not carry out the traineeship in Germany.
We do not accept applications for traineeships in countries/areas with a travel advisory from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Read more about the current travel advisories on the homepage for Ministry of Foreign Affairs (in Swedish).
Organisations and enterprises in participating programme countries are eligible for receiving trainees within Erasmus+.
The following organisations are not approved for Erasmus+ traineeships:
- EU institutions and other EU bodies including specialised agencies
- Organisations managing EU programmes
- Universities mainly funded by EU funds
Traineeship duration
Long-term traineeship: 2-12 months of physical mobility + voluntary virtual component (i.e. remote work) if applicable.
Short-term blended traineeship: 5-30 days of physical mobility + mandatory virtual component taking place before, during and/or after the physical mobility. There is no defined duration for the virtual component but it must have a clear learning objective and connection to the physical mobility, and it must be arranged by the receiving organisation.
It is not possible to apply for Erasmus+ traineeship for a traineeship where the physical mobility is 31-59 days.
Note that travel days are not included in the minimum duration.
The Erasmus+ traineeship grant is financed by the EU and is a contribution for covering costs related to the mobility period abroad. 70% of the grant will be received at the start of the traineeship period and the remaining 30% at the end of the traineeship period. It is possible to receive an Erasmus+ grant at the same time as CSN.
Erasmus+ is a project-based programme, with new budget guidelines per project. When the University of Borås start using funds from more recent projects, different amounts may apply. This may result in students having different grant amounts, depending on when they hand in their application, since we are required to use up old grants before we start using funds from newer projects.
For traineeships ending on 15 June 2025 or earlier:
Long-term traineeship: 660-710 Euro per month. If the traineeship contains a virtual component you will not receive a grant for the virtual part.
Please note that students carrying out a long-term traineeship ending on 15 June 2025 or earlier may not apply for extra travel days unless it's for "green travel" (see below).
Short-term blended traineeships: 79 Euro per day for day 1-14 and 56 Euro per day for day 15-30 of the physical mobility. You will not receive a grant for the virtual component. In addition, you may receive a grant for maximum two travel days, one per direction.
Top-up for green travel (both long-term and short-term):
- Green travel is when the main means of transport to and from the destination country is either train, bus or shared car.
- You receive a top-up in the form of a single contribution of 50 Euros and individual support to cover up to 2 travel days per trip, maximum 4 travel days in total.
- If you will travel in a sustainable way and wish to receive the top-up, tick that alternative on the application form. The supporting documents (receipts, tickets etc.) are to be sent in after the trip has taken place.
- Please note that if you will receive a top-up for students with children/disability and do a short blended traineeship, the top-up amount for green travel is different.
For traineeships ending on 16 June 2025 or later:
Long-term traineeship: 660-710 Euro per month. If the traineeship contains a virtual component you will not receive a grant for the virtual part.
Short-term blended traineeships: 79 Euro per day for day 1-14 and 56 Euro per day for day 15-30 of the physical mobility. You will not receive a grant for the virtual component.
Travel grant (applies to both long and short internships) provides an addition to the grant in the form of:
- Lump-sum amount for travel based on the distance to the traineeship destination, usually around 200-500 Euros.
- You may receive a grant for a maximum of 2 travel days, 1 per direction.
- If you travel green (that is, the majority of the journey to and from the traineeship destination is made by train, bus, or shared car), you will receive a higher travel grant. You also have the possibility to receive a grant for a maximum of 3 travel days per direction, a maximum of 6 travel days in total.
- If you will travel green and wish to receive the green travel grant, tick that alternative on the application form. Supporting documents (receipts, tickets etc.) are to be sent in after the trip has taken place.
Top-up for Students with Children or Disability
Two groups of students, students with children and students with a disability, are eligible for receiving a top-up to their grant.
- For long-term traineeship the top-up amount is 250 euros per month.
- For short-term blended traineeship the top-up amount is:
- 100 euros for traineeships with a physical mobility of 5-14 days.
- 150 euros for traineeships with a physical mobility of 15-30 days.
- You will not receive a double top-up if you have a disability and have children.
Students who are legal guardians of a minor child may receive a top-up to their grant. The child does not have to accompany you during the mobility. You do not receive a higher or doubled top-up if you have multiple children.
Approved supporting document is:
- The form “Familjebevis” (“family certificate”) that may be ordered from the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket).
Students with long-term (at least 6 months) or permanent disability may receive a top-up to their grant. There does not have to be costs associated with your disability for you to be able to receive the top-up. The supporting document does not need to state what kind of disability you have.
Approved supporting documents are:
- NAIS decision from HB (preferred)
- Certificate from the municipality from which you receive support for your disability
- Medical certificate
To apply for the top-up, the certificate must be submitted in person or sent by post when the application is being submitted. It should not be sent in by e-mail.
Leave the certificate in our mailbox, it’s located on floor 3B in the Balder building by the elevators near the Student Reception.
Or hand in the certificate by post:
Högskolan i Borås
International Office
Ashley Mansk
50190 Borås
Support for Students with Disabilities
If you have a disability and want to do an Erasmus+ traineeship, it is important that you contact the Coordinator for Targeted Student Support well in advance to investigate what support might be necessary for you during the traineeship and the stay abroad. Contact them right away when you start thinking of doing a traineeship abroad. Please note that you need a NAIS-decision in order to be eligible for support from the University of Borås.
It is possible to receive a top-up for students with disabilities. Read more under the heading "Top-up for Students with Children or Disability". In this case, costs that arise due to the disability are primarily to be covered by the top-up. If the costs exceed the top-up amount, it is possible to apply for additional funding from Erasmus +. Such applications are managed by the International Office in collaboration with the Coordinator for Targeted Student Support and the student. Note that the application may be time-consuming and that you need to contact us well in advance, at least 6 months in advance is recommended.
If you have questions concerning targeted student support you may contact the Coordinators for Targeted Student Support.
For all other questions regarding Erasmus+ traineeship, you may contact the International Office.
- You need to be a registered student on a course within a bachelor’s or master’s programme at the University of Borås at the time of application. If you are studying at the doctoral level, contact to discuss your individual situation.
- For recent graduate traineeship, you need to apply during the last semester of your study programme while you are still a registered student on a course within a study programme.
- You must have a traineeship placement (if you are still waiting for a confirmation form the traineeship placement at the time of deadline, you can find information on how to proceed under the headline “Application Deadline”).
- You need to be a full-time trainee, in accordance with what is considered full-time at the receiving organisation, but at a minimum of 32 hours per week.
- You must live in the country during the whole period of the traineeship.
- The traineeship country must be a participating programme country of Erasmus+ (not Sweden).
- The traineeship country must be different from the country which you live in during your studies.
- The traineeship must be minimum 2 months and maximum 12 months, alternatively 5-30 days + a virtual component.
- The traineeship period should be uninterrupted and at only one receiving organisation.
- You may not receive other funding from the EU during the traineeship period.
- If you have already carried out Erasmus+ studies or Erasmus+ traineeship on the same study level (bachelor or master), the combined period must not exceed 12 months (360 days).
- The whole traineeship must be done as an Erasmus+ traineeship.
- You cannot carry out an Erasmus+ traineeship during a leave from studies.
Application Deadlines
We accept new applications between the following dates:
Spring semester 2025: 2025-01-20 until 2025-06-04
Autumn semester 2025: 2025-09-01 until 2025-12-04
We must receive your application between the dates mentioned above and at least 1 month prior to the planned starting date
If you plan to start your traineeship on 15 October, we must receive your application on 15 September at the latest.
If you plan to start your traineeship on 15 August, we must receive your application on 4 June at the latest.
This means that if your traineeship will start in January/February or July/August/September you need to apply earlier than one month prior to the starting date.
If the traineeship starts in less than 1 month, or already has started, you may not apply for Erasmus+ traineeship grant. The whole traineeship must be done as an Erasmus+ traineeship. Applications received later than 1 month before the starting date of the traineeship will not be accepted.
If you are not able to attach the Letter of Intent in your application due to circumstances outside of your control, for example if you are still waiting for a confirmation from the traineeship placement – send in the application form (filled in and signed) before the deadline. In the application form, explain why you are not able to attach the Letter of Intent. We will then inform you if there is a possibility to extend the deadline for handing in the Letter of Intent.
In order to apply you need to hand in two documents:
- Letter of Intent*
This should be filled in and signed by the receiving organisation.
Template Letter of intent. - Application form
This should be filled in and signed by you and someone from your study programme. Your study programme needs to confirm that the traineeship is relevant for your education and in line with your study programme. Who should sign for your programme depends on your area of study. See below for more information.
Application form.
Please note that students carrying out a long-term traineeship ending on 15 June 2025 or earlier may not apply for extra travel days unless it's for "green travel".
Please note that students who apply for Green Travel and whose traineeship will end on 15 June 2025 or earlier may apply for a maximum of 2 extra travel days per direction.
The following people may sign an application:
- Students within business, engineering (including textile engineering), library, information, education, or IT:
Course coordinator (if traineeship is done with a course), programme coordinator or assistant head of department. - Students within textiles:
International coordinator for textiles, course coordinator (if traineeship is done with a course), programme coordinator or assistant head of department. - Students within caring science:
International coordinator for caring science, course coordinator (if traineeship is done with a course) or faculty coordinator for internationalisation. - Students within work life and social welfare:
Programme coordinator.
The application form and Letter of Intent is to be sent in a single e-mail to Both documents should be submitted in PDF format.
*Nursing students who are applying for a traineeship that is within their study programme and through an Erasmus+ inter-institutional agreement do not need to submit the Letter of Intent.
Applications are selected on a "first come first served" basis. If there is a lack of funds, the University of Borås may stop accepting new applications from students who have already participated in the Erasmus+ programme on the same study level. This to make sure as many students as possible have the chance to participate in the Erasmus+.
If the Application is Accepted
Erasmus+ trainees are covered by the student group insurance plan “student OUT” that the University of Borås purchases from Kammarkollegiet (the Legal, Financial, and Administrative Service Agency).
Terms and conditions that apply until 2025-06-30
Terms and conditions that apply starting from 2025-07-01.
Online Language Support
All Erasmus+ trainees have the possibility to do language tests and/or language exercises free of charge in the EU platform Online Language Support. You may do exercises in the language of instruction, the local language of the host country or any other language that interests you.
Green Erasmus+
One of the prioritised areas within Erasmus+ is sustainability. We encourage you to reflect upon how you can make your time abroad as sustainable as possible. Tips and information from the “Green Erasmus project” is found here.
If your application is accepted, you will be accepted to submit the following documents. More information and templates for the documents will be sent to accepted students.
Before the traineeship starts
- Learning Agreement - before the mobility
The agreement describes the content of the traineeship. It has to be approved and signed by the student, the receiving organisation and the person responsible for the education (usually the Assistant Head of Department). - Grant Agreement
The financial agreement between the student and the University of Borås. - Payment order form
Your bank account information for payment of the grant.
During the mobility – if needed
- Learning Agreement - during the mobility
After the mobility
- Learning Agreement - after the mobility
- Participant Report