Pick-up service

Make sure to book your arrival to Borås 27 August between 9am-6pm and we will be available to help you find your way from the airport to Borås. The service is free of charge but we need your registration for it.

The registration closes on 5 August 2024. If you have not registered by that date we cannot guarantee that someone will be waiting for you even if it is within the Pick-up service schedule.

Send your registration for our Pick-up Service

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Request for Consent

We need your consent to process your personal data in the registration form. The information will be processed by those who administer and provide the welcome services at the university, in order to administer and provide the welcome services and communicate with you. The information will be stored within the EU/EEA, and erased after your arrival.

The University of Borås is the controller of the processing, and the legal basis for the processing is article 6.1 (a) GDPR (consent). It’s completely voluntary to consent. If you consent, you may withdraw your consent at any time. By submitting this form you consent that the University of Borås may collect and process your personal data as described above.

Read more about how the University of Borås processes your personal data and your rights at the university’s website, http://www.hb.se/dataskydd