Sustainability Days 2024

Below, you can find inspiration for some of the different activities! 

We will be filming/photographing during the event. The material may be used, for example, on social media. Tell the photographer if you don't want to be in the picture.

If you have questions about the activities, please contact us via:

Have you dreamed of singing in a choir? 25 March

Welcome to try-to-sing-in-a-choir!

Choir director is Anneli who guides you together with the other singing students. No singing experience required, come as you are!


Date, time and location:
25 March 14.30-15-30
In C502

Make your own beeswax cloth and learn about bees, 25 and 26 March

Beewax wrap and vegetablesEmilie Jamot, beekeeper, will explain how bees contribute to sustainability. Instead of using plastic, you can use beeswax cloths. And together with Emilie, you can make your own beeswax cloth. It's easy to make and its production smells lovely. The cloths can be reused again and again. Store fruit, vegetables, sandwiches, etc. in the cloths or cover bowls with them for storage in the fridge. The warmth of your hands allows the fabric to form to the shape you want. The beeswax has antibacterial properties making it ideal for food storage but not for meat/poultry/fish. Hand wash the cloths in lukewarm water with a dish brush and some mild detergent.

Beeswax can be purchased at cost (to be paid via Swish on site), Rekotex provides organic fabric pieces. 

Date and time: 
25 March 11:00–12:00
26 March 14:00–15:00

Register your interest by 15 March

Registration is done in the form on the Swedish website.

Location: Textile Museum of Sweden: Tryckrummet/Do It Yourself site. We will gather at the entrance to the Textile Museum of Sweden. The activity starts with brief information about the upcoming exhibition Omstart Mode..

NOTE! Limited number of places (maximum 10 participants per session), first come, first served. Those who receive a place will receive a confirmation email.

Questions? Contact Elisabeth Emanuelsson by email:

Fix your bicycle, 26 March (CANCELLED!)

Does your bike need a tune-up? Karolina Hull from the City of Borås will be there to talk about the cycle paths and news about cycling commuting and winter cycling. 

Learn how to DIY. Jonas Ehrenberg will be there with his mech stand and tools to show you how to lubricate, adjust brakes, and change tires. Bring any needed spare parts. 

Time: 11:30–13:00
Location: “Vardagsrummet” aka the University Library foyer, Sandgärdet entrance. (In sunny and warm weather we will move to Balder's courtyard). 


Free HPV vaccination, 26 March

Welcome for free HPV vaccination!

The offer to get vaccinated applies to women, non-binary and trans men with a cervix born 1994–1999.

Do you know your status? Free testing for HIV / Syphilis, 25–27 March

Welcome to drop-in and information about and testing for HIV/ Syphilis!

Close to 500 people per year become infected with HIV. Of these, half are heterosexual women. Everyone should have themselves tested! Checkpoint Sjuhärad, RFSL Sjuhärad low-threshold reception visits  the University of Borås and offers anonymous and cost free tests.

Time: 11:00–13:00 is the drop-in to test yourself.
Place: L529 by the Student health in the Sandgärdet building


Clothing Swap, 27 March

Clothes on a rackTime to review your wardrobe? Welcome to a clothing swap day with the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation!

Wednesday, 27 March in the Do-tank Center, Textile Fashion Center.  


09:00-10:15: drop-off of women's/men's/children's clothing, maximum five garments in total. Clothing should be intact and clean.  

10:45–12:00: Clothing swap! Now you are welcome to take as many garments as you submitted.

One changing room will be available.  

Leftover clothes will be donated by the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation to the Red Cross. 

Technology Fix-up, 27 March

Are you tired of your computer acting up, have a hairdryer that won't dry anymore, or any other gadget that's broken? Come by for a tech fix in the lounge at the Student Centre, and we'll do everything we can to help you get more use out of your gadgets!

Time: 09:00–12:00
Location: The lounge at the Student Center, Balder floor 3

No registration is required.

For questions before the day, email

Lunch Walk, 27 March

Take a walk with us! Meet up at Akademiplatsen at lunch on 27 March for a delightful spring walk with students and staff.

Time: 12:15-12:40 

For both students and staff. No need to register. Welcome!


Restaurang Balder and Sandgärdscaféet

The Red and Green restaurant in Balder will offer today's climate-smart dish and sell smoothies on "rescue-fruit". Feel free to bring your own mug/cup for the smoothie to avoid disposable items. 

Albrecht's restaurants in Balder and the cafe at Sandgärdet work consciously with sustainability, including keeping food waste down. During the year, Albrecht's restaurant will also collaborate on sustainability with the university's department of resource recycling and community building. For more information about the collaboration - listen to the lecture with Kamran Rousta in the Speakers Corner at the Textile Fashion Center on March 26 at 11 a.m.

The Company and The Coffee Company

Restaurant The Company and café The Coffee Company will sell smoothies made with "rescue - fruit" at The Coffee Company. Feel free to bring your own mug/cup for the smoothie to avoid disposable items.

Restaurant The Company and café The Coffee Company always work for sustainability and to reduce the environmental impact of their operations. Their compost waste is small when you adapt and plan your activities in the kitchen, but also by paying attention to the negative environmental consequences of constantly leaving food in the restaurant. Keeping energy consumption down is an  important part of the work and they switch off the fan system and plates as soon as the need for the day is met.  

Activites in Swedish

More activities are available in Swedish. See them on the Swedish student webpage by changing to Swedish language in your browser.