Language Support
About Language Support
You can receive support and guidance to help you develop your language skills in an academic setting. The services are available to registered students at UB, and based on assignments that are part of your programme here. Support is available throughout the semester.
There are different types of support available. If you have short questions you are welcome to the Language Lab Drop-In, without booking an appointment in advance. If you have more complex questions that require more time you may instead book an appointment with one of the language advisors. There is also a wide range of lectures and activities available regarding different aspects of academic language provided during the semester.
Here are the different services listed:
- The Language Lab
- Individual Language Support
- Oral Communication
- Written Communication
- Workshops and Activities - Language Support

Johanna Persson
Oral and Written Communication
Phone: 033-435 4265
Room number: J 437
Anna Ekman
Oral and Written Communication
Phone: 033-435 4117
Room number: J 436