Find books in the library
When you have done your search for the book, you will get a list of results with all the documents that match your search criteria. Choose the book you want by clicking it. A new window will open, containing more information about the book:

When you arrive to the floor in the library where the books is supposed to be, search for the correct shelf by looking at the signs at the start/end of each shelf:

After you have found the shelf you're looking for, it's time to look for the correct section of the shelf. The sections are arranged in numerical order:

Once you found the right section it's time to look for the actual book. The books are placed alphabetically according to the spine labels:
You should now have the book in your hand, if not and you want some help finding it – please ask a librarian for help. You can always find a librarian willing to help you at the information point by the entrance to the library.