Thesis publication support 

The Communications Office can help you with your thesis publication. 

Contact the Communications Office

Please contact the Communcations Office three months before your thesis defence in order to guarantee that your printed thesis will be delivered in time.

Use this form and we will get back to you with a time plan for your thesis's publication.  


The doctoral student is responsible for editing the content of their thesis but the university offers different types of support in terms of editing and proofreading.

Read more on the webpage about Editing. 

Thesis cover

The Communications Office will help you with the thesis cover. We can help you find suitable images or make a simple cover based on the university’s graphic profile.


All theses published by the university should be given ISBN numbers. Read more on the webpage ISBN and ISSN.

"Spikning" ceremony

The thesis must be publically posted at least three weeks before the thesis defence. In Swedish, this is known as ”spikning”. The "spikning" ceremony is held in the University Library at the birch trunks by the entrance. It is the doctoral student’s responsibility to make sure the University Library gets a copy of the thesis in time for the ceremony. 

To post your thesis, send it in digital format to Signe Wulund at least a week before your "spikning" ceremony date. It needs to be the final version and you should include the cover and the “spikblad” in separate PDFs. 

A recommendation is to get your thesis printed in time that you can give three copies of it to the University Library at least five working days before you want to do your "spikning" ceremony. You can send your copies by internal post to Signe Wulund at the University Library.

Press release/website news article

The Communications Office will determine whether to write a news article to put on the university’s website and send out a press release at the time for your thesis defence. Please do offer suggestions of which trade journals or specialist press might be interested, as well as any local news (usually the newspaper/broadcast media where you live and where you grew up).