Workshops och Activities
About Workshops and Activities
Throughout the university year there are a number of non-credit lectures, workshops and activities that you can take part of. All of them are designed to support your overall study achievements. You can find out more about what is going on at the moment at Workshops and Activities in Language support.
Some programmes have similar lectures and activities built in to their curriculum. Check your schedule to find out whether that is the case for your course/programme. Regardless, you are always welcome to join the sessions provided here.
Is there anything missing on the list? Tell us! If time allows, certain activities can be tailor-made and designed to match students' requests.
If you have got further questions you are welcome to e-mail, phone or come by our office.

Johanna Persson
Oral and Written Communication
Phone: 033-435 4265
Room number: J 437
Anna Ekman
Oral and Written Communication
Phone: 033-435 4117
Room number: J 436