BHS-seminariet | Fuelling Denial: The Climate Change Reactionary Movement and Swedish far-right media (Kjell Vowles)

Välkommen till detta BHS-seminarium där Kjell Vowles (Göteborgs universitet) presenterar sin forskning.

Sammanfattning (engelska): 

Fuelling Denial – The Climate Change Reactionary Movement and Swedish far-right media (Kjell Vowles)

In his PhD-thesis, Fuelling Denial, Kjell Vowles has analysed climate change discourses on Swedish far-right media and seen how these have been discourses of denial. He argues that this is connected to far-right nostalgia, and the longing for national-industrial modernity.

Kjell Vowles is a post-doctoral researcher at Gothenburg University

Språk: Engelska  (presentation in English but the discussion can be in Swedish or English depending on need)  

Chair: Jutta Haider
