“Best Paper Award” för bästa pågående forskning

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Artikeln valdes ut som konferensens bästa i kategorin "pågående forskning". Detta bland 300 konferensartiklar. Konferensen hölls i United Nations University i Guimaraes i Portugal och lockade närmare 300 deltagare från akademi och offentlig förvaltning.

— Hedrande såklart, men också bra att vår forskning uppmärksammas, säger, Gustaf Juell-Skielse.

Motiveringen till priset

The paper investigates the effects of digital innovation contests as policy tools. To this end, it conducts a case study of the contest organized by Sweden’s innovation agency, Vinnova, of innovation with sensitive health data for the benefit of people with type 1 diabetes, their relatives, and care personnel; identifies six categories of policy effects based on this case study; relates these categories to existing literature and creates an assessment instrument for measuring the policy effects of innovation contests. According to the Committee, the paper correctly identifies the promise of digital innovation contests for policy formulation and implementation; it employs a rich digital innovation contest from Sweden to uncover policy effects and confront them with the literature; and offers a concrete and potentially useful assessment instrument based on the validated policy effects. 

Forskarprofil: Gustaf Juell-Skielse
Forskarprofil: Anders Hjalmarsson Jordanius