Utställning Textildesign: Exit 2024

Plats: Textilmuseet, Textile Fashion Center, Borås
Tid: Invigning 31 maj kl. 11:00

Utställningen pågår 31 maj–18 augusti 2024.

Om utställningen

"Presenting the work of graduating textile design students, Exit 24 brings together visionary perspectives on the role of textile design in shaping our responsible relations with the surrounding environment. 

The richness of the works unfolds around a variety of themes.  Design examples display the agency of nature in the design process, introduce the narratives of re-design, or illustrate how the intervention of handcraft skills of the designer can challenge industrial processes.  Alongside the diverse exploration of unconventional textile materials and techniques dare to express bold relations in products and spaces that stimulate our imagination of considerate living for humans and nature. 

In Exit 24, the territories of artistic methodology and design thoughtfulness are ambitiously stretched to demonstrate how textile materiality can challenge our imagination of a responsible future."

Poster för utställningen, informationen finns på sidan


Vid frågor om utställningen kontakta Marjan Kooroshnia